The flagship journal of the IAS
Impact factor 3.5
Ranking 3/48 (Geology)
No submission fees
Online Open option

The Depositional Record
The interdisciplinary journal of the IAS
Impact factor 2.4
No submission fees
Fully open access

Basin Research
The only journal dedicated to sedimentary basin evolution
Published on behalf of IAS and EAGE
Impact factor 3.2
Ranking 78/201 (Multidisciplinary geosciences)
No submission fees
Online open option

Journal of Petroleum Geology
Quarterly journal devoted to oil and gas geology especially outside North America
Published in association with the IAS
Reduced rate subscriptions available to IAS members

Thematic Books
Thematic, peer-reviewed volumes, edited by specialists, on subjects of key interest to sedimentologists.
Over 50 published to date.
New publications can be downloaded from IAS website by members.
Includes reprint series and field guides.
Institutional and Research Grants have two closing dates on 31st March and 30th September each year. Guidelines and application forms are available through member login to the website.
Travel grants are advertised in the e-Newsletter and IAS social media as they are opened. Guidelines, closing dates and application forms are available through student member login to the website.
International Sedimentological Congress
The International Sedimentological Congress (ISC) is organized every four years. The conference aims to gather participants from all over the world to discuss and share the most recent advances in the broad field of sedimentology. IAS members enjoy significantly reduced registration fees.
International Meetings of Sedimentology
International Meetings of Sedimentology (IMS) are held each year except for the year an International Sedimentological Congress takes place. This regional meeting gathers participants to discuss and share the most recent advances in the field of sedimentology. IAS members enjoy significantly reduced registration fees.
IAS Summer School
The IAS International Summer School of Sedimentology provides post-graduate research students an opportunity to interact with expert lecturers who focus on new and exciting topics in sedimentology presented as field observations and exercises backed up with classroom lectures. The biannual IAS Summer School is always held in an area of widely recognized sedimentological significance.
Special Lecture Tour
IAS Special Lecture Tours (SLT) allow sedimentology groups to invite a well-known expert to give lectures and short courses in their country. The lectures are usually accompanied by round-table discussions and local field trips.
Sponsored Meetings
IAS financially sponsors selected sedimentology-related meetings and events, usually in the form of awarding student travel grants to support PhD and other students with their sedimentology studies. The IAS also supports conferences by giving them additional exposure on the IAS website and in its e-Newsletter.
Upcoming Events
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